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Local land girl works at Abbot's Hall Farm, Stowmarket - the site of The Food Museum


Patricia Foulger (nee Keeble) was living at Moat Farm, Wetheringsett when she enrolled in the Women’s Land Army at the age of 19 on March 23rd, 1942. She was working as a draper’s assistant at the time. Pat completed her training in milking and dairy work at Columbyne Hall at Stowupland.

She was posted to Abbot’s Hall Farm in Stowmarket where she worked with a land girl from Sheffield, Vera Jeffcock. The girls lodged in the Dairy Cottages with Emily Wilding and her husband, Fred who was foreman on the farm. Pat subsequently moved into Abbot’s Hall with the Longe Family and became very friendly with Vera Longe, one of the daughters.

Pat and Vera completed a variety of tasks during their land army service at Abbot’s Hall Farm. They helped to feed, muck out and milk the Red Poll herd but also were involved with ploughing, sowing and harvesting the crops amongst other tasks. They would also have helped Fred Wilding with the horses.

Pat obtained a Proficiency Certificate in Milking and Dairy Work in November 1944.

She married Peter Foulger and resigned from the Women’s Land Army (East Suffolk) on February 23rd, 1946 as she was expecting her first child.

Details of Pat’s WLA service and photographs kindly supplied by her daughter, Angela Hurlock.

Pat posing for her portrait photograph in smart walking out WLA uniform.

The back of Abbot's Hall.

Pat with Firebrand 9th in July 1944.

Pat watching aeroplanes from the top of a stack.


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