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The Happiest Days of My Life


Updated: Jul 29, 2024

Muriel May Potter (nee Parker) or Mick as she was always known to her pals, enrolled in the Women's Land Army on July 15th, 1943. She was living at 49 Allenby Rd in Ipswich at the time.

Mick worked in a variety of locations in Suffolk during her seven years service including farms around Henstead, Ipswich and Wickham Market and marked each of them on a map of the county. She mostly worked in field gangs and loved the camaraderie of the Land Army. She threw herself into all the tasks that she was asked to do and enjoyed the challenges of her role. She resigned from the Women's Land Army on December 17th,1949 on completion of her contract.

Mick really liked her uniform and kept it after she completed her service. She went on to wear it at re-enactment events in later years. She kept in contact with many of her Land Girl pals and attended a number of reunions with the Henstead Old Girls, including a rather special one held at the Royal Albert Hall on March 30th, 1974.

As well as her uniform, Mick kept lots of letters and memorabilia relating to her WLA service and photos of WLA reunions. Her family are delighted that she did and so are we!



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